
2024 - Race Report


It was a good weather day and the race went off without a hitch thanks mainly to the wonderful help from all the members who volunteered to marshal, time, log registrations and results etc….

All the marshals set out their own little bit of the course and then cleared all the tape and signs away after the race had gone through making for a highly efficient and successful day.

There were 103 entries for the race all of whom seemed to thoroughly enjoy it and many of whom were highly complementary about the event.

The £505 profits from the race will be donated to the Kent Estuary Youth Project to fund the Youth Workers and premises rental for the youth clubs.

Next year's race is on Tuesday 1st July (2025) and I’m hoping to get the same brilliant support from all you wonderful competitors to make it another enjoyable evening for all concerned.

Thank you all for turning up and doing it so well!